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Produkt zum Begriff Integrating-Research-And-Practice:

  • Integrating and Extending BIRT
    Integrating and Extending BIRT

    <>The world-wide developer community has downloaded over ten million copies of BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools). Built on the open-source Eclipse platform, BIRT is a powerful reporting system that provides an end-to-end solution from creating and deploying reports to integrating report capabilities in enterprise applications. Integrating and Extending BIRT, Third Edition, introduces programmers to BIRT architecture and the reporting framework. BIRT technology makes it possible for programmers to build customized reports using scripting and BIRT APIs. This book also includes extensive examples of how to use the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment to build plug-ins to extend the features of the BIRT framework. The source code for these examples is available for download at Key topics covered include Installing and deploying BIRTDeploying a BIRT report to an application serverUnderstanding BIRT architectureScripting in a BIRT report designIntegrating BIRT functionality into applicationsWorking with the BIRT extension framework This revised and expanded third edition features the following new content Updated architectural diagramsExpanded scripting examplesDebugging event handlersDeveloping an advanced report item with data bindingDeveloping a data extraction extensionDeveloping a charting extension Readers may also be interested in this book’s companion volume. BIRT: A Field Guide, Third Edition, is the authoritative guide to using BIRT Report Designer, the graphical tool that enables users of all levels to build reports, from simple to complex, without programming.

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • The Practice of Market Research
    The Practice of Market Research

    Learn the techniques and practical tasks involved in designing and running a research projectThe Practice of Market Research: From Data to Insight, 5th edition, by McGivern offers a thorough introduction to the practice of market and social research. It is structured around the research process from defining the problem to be researched to communicating the insight which the research produces. An ideal companion for a market research student or anyone doing a research project, the book takes you through data analytics and data mining in a market research context, in addition to explaining the ethical, legal and regulatory context in which research operates.The Industry Insights' draw real-world examples from successful market research projects in companies such as Formula One, BBC, IBM, PayPal, Twinings and Volvo. There are also examples of research on social issues including the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-social behaviour, HIV/AIDS, cancer support and many more. The new edition supports the MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice.This is a great applied marketing research text that will be suitable for students going beyond the basics of research and learning about how marketing research works in practiceBen Lowe, Professor of Marketing, Kent Business School, University of KentMarketing research clearly explained as a professional practice - with practical advice on issues to consider and ways forward - and as an academic discipline with methodological and theoretical concerns.Dr Philippa Ward, Reader in Services Marketing, University of GloucestershireAbout the author:Yvonne McGivern has worked on both the agency and the client side and currently works as a consultant. She taught research methods at Queen's University Belfast and at Trinity College Dublin. She is Joint Chief Examiner for the MRS Advanced Certificate in Market and Social Research Practice.Pearson, the world's learning company.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    Tourism: Principles and Practice

    Thanks to its engaging writing style and accessible structure, Fletcher has become the ultimate one-stop text for any student studying Tourism. Its broad appeal and popularity increases with each new edition, making it excellent value for any student who wants to understand and explore the principles of the subject.  Well-liked by students and lecturers alike, Tourism: Principles and Practice is the ultimate reference text for anyone wishing to understand the complex and varied issues involved with such a diverse and constantly changing subject.

    Preis: 80.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice
    Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice

    Today’s Comprehensive and Authoritative Guide to Augmented RealityBy overlaying computer-generated information on the real world, augmented reality (AR) amplifies human perception and cognition in remarkable ways. Working in this fast-growing field requires knowledge of multiple disciplines, including computer vision, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction. Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice integrates all this knowledge into a single-source reference, presenting today’s most significant work with scrupulous accuracy. Pioneering researchers Dieter Schmalstieg and Tobias Höllerer carefully balance principles and practice, illuminating AR from technical, methodological, and user perspectives.Coverage includesDisplays: head-mounted, handheld, projective, auditory, and hapticTracking/sensing, including physical principles, sensor fusion, and real-time computer visionCalibration/registration, ensuring repeatable, accurate, coherent behaviorSeamless blending of real and virtual objectsVisualization to enhance intuitive understandingInteraction–from situated browsing to full 3D interactionModeling new geometric contentAuthoring AR presentations and databasesArchitecting AR systems with real-time, multimedia, and distributed elements This guide is indispensable for anyone interested in AR, including developers, engineers, students, instructors, researchers, and serious hobbyists.

    Preis: 57.29 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie seriös ist Swiss Propaganda Research?

    Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR) ist eine Organisation, die sich selbst als unabhängig und neutral bezeichnet. Sie hat jedoch auch Kritik von verschiedenen Seiten erhalten, da sie als Verschwörungstheorien verbreitend und politisch einseitig angesehen wird. Es ist daher wichtig, ihre Informationen kritisch zu hinterfragen und mit anderen Quellen zu vergleichen.

  • Ja, Research Chemicals sind Drogen.

    Ja, Research Chemicals sind Drogen. Diese chemischen Substanzen werden oft als Ersatz für illegale Drogen verkauft und können ähnliche psychoaktive Wirkungen haben. Der Konsum von Research Chemicals birgt jedoch große Risiken für die Gesundheit, da ihre genauen Inhaltsstoffe und Wirkungen oft unbekannt sind. Es ist wichtig, sich bewusst zu sein, dass der Konsum von Research Chemicals illegal und gesundheitsschädlich sein kann.

  • Hängen "Grey's Anatomy" und "Private Practice" irgendwie zusammen?

    Ja, "Grey's Anatomy" und "Private Practice" sind miteinander verbunden. "Private Practice" ist ein Spin-off von "Grey's Anatomy" und dreht sich um die Hauptfigur Dr. Addison Montgomery, die das Seattle Grace Hospital verlässt und nach Los Angeles zieht, um in einer Privatpraxis zu arbeiten. Es gibt auch einige Crossover-Episoden, in denen Charaktere aus beiden Serien auftreten.

  • Wie funktioniert der FIFO-Algorithmus im Operations Research?

    Der FIFO-Algorithmus (First-In-First-Out) im Operations Research ist eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Reihenfolge, in der Aufgaben oder Ressourcen bearbeitet werden sollen. Dabei wird die Aufgabe oder Ressource, die als erstes eingegangen ist, auch als erstes bearbeitet. Der FIFO-Algorithmus ist einfach und leicht zu implementieren, kann jedoch zu Engpässen führen, wenn die Reihenfolge der Aufgaben oder Ressourcen nicht optimal ist.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Integrating-Research-And-Practice:

  • Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice
    Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice

    Gain a deeper understanding of the core concepts surrounding Corporate Finance with this reader-friendly text. Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice, 9th edition is a comprehensive guide to the field, introducing you to the key topics and areas of corporate finance. This practical and readable textbook is ideal whether you are studying accounting, business, or finance-related courses.Written and structured in a reader-friendly style for those new to the subject, the book offers a clear, step-by-step explanation of the essential principles and mathematical techniques without burdening you with unnecessary detail and provides practical examples from well-known companies.Key features for this edition include:Coverage of all the key topics, mapping closely to requirements set out by professional bodies24 new, short examples in the “Vignette” boxes throughout the book, exploring relevant, real-world financial issues and connecting theory with practiceMore content regarding environmental, governance and sustainability issues, and their impact on corporate financeThe questions for review and discussion throughout the book, along with the further reading suggestions at the end of the text, aim to support self-study and help you develop your critical thinking skills.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
    Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice

    Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Third Edition, remains the most authoritative introduction to the field. The first edition, the original “Foley and van Dam,” helped to define computer graphics and how it could be taught. The second edition became an even more comprehensive resource for practitioners and students alike. This third edition has been completely rewritten to provide detailed and up-to-date coverage of key concepts, algorithms, technologies, and applications.   The authors explain the principles, as well as the mathematics, underlying computer graphics–knowledge that is essential for successful work both now and in the future. Early chapters show how to create 2D and 3D pictures right away, supporting experimentation. Later chapters, covering a broad range of topics, demonstrate more sophisticated approaches. Sections on current computer graphics practice show how to apply given principles in common situations, such as how to approximate an ideal solution on available hardware, or how to represent a data structure more efficiently. Topics are reinforced by exercises, program­ming problems, and hands-on projects.   This revised edition features New coverage of the rendering equation, GPU architecture considerations, and importance- sampling in physically based rendering An emphasis on modern approaches, as in a new chapter on probability theory for use in Monte-Carlo rendering Implementations of GPU shaders, software rendering, and graphics-intensive 3D interfaces 3D real-time graphics platforms–their design goals and trade-offs–including new mobile and browser platforms Programming and debugging approaches unique to graphics development  The text and hundreds of figures are presented in full color throughout the book. Programs are written in C++, C#, WPF, or pseudocode–whichever language is most effective for a given example. Source code and figures from the book, testbed programs, and additional content will be available from the authors' website ( or the publisher's website  ( Instructor resources will be available from the publisher. The wealth of information in this book makes it the essential resource for anyone working in or studying any aspect of computer graphics.

    Preis: 72.75 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Integrating and Extending BIRT
    Integrating and Extending BIRT

    <>The world-wide developer community has downloaded over ten million copies of BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools). Built on the open-source Eclipse platform, BIRT is a powerful reporting system that provides an end-to-end solution from creating and deploying reports to integrating report capabilities in enterprise applications. Integrating and Extending BIRT, Third Edition, introduces programmers to BIRT architecture and the reporting framework. BIRT technology makes it possible for programmers to build customized reports using scripting and BIRT APIs. This book also includes extensive examples of how to use the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment to build plug-ins to extend the features of the BIRT framework. The source code for these examples is available for download at Key topics covered include Installing and deploying BIRTDeploying a BIRT report to an application serverUnderstanding BIRT architectureScripting in a BIRT report designIntegrating BIRT functionality into applicationsWorking with the BIRT extension framework This revised and expanded third edition features the following new content Updated architectural diagramsExpanded scripting examplesDebugging event handlersDeveloping an advanced report item with data bindingDeveloping a data extraction extensionDeveloping a charting extension Readers may also be interested in this book’s companion volume. BIRT: A Field Guide, Third Edition, is the authoritative guide to using BIRT Report Designer, the graphical tool that enables users of all levels to build reports, from simple to complex, without programming.

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Integrating and Extending BIRT
    Integrating and Extending BIRT

    The world-wide developer community has downloaded over three million copies of BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) from the Eclipse web site. Built on the open-source Eclipse platform, BIRT is a powerful reporting system that provides an end-to-end solution, from creating and deploying reports to integrating report capabilities in enterprise applications.The second of a two-book series on business intelligence and reporting technology, Integrating and Extending BIRT, Second Edition introduces programmers to BIRT architecture and the reporting framework. BIRT technology makes it possible for a programmer to build a customized report using scripting and BIRT APIs. A programmer can also extend the BIRT framework by creating a new plug-in using the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment. This book provides extensive examples on how to build plug-ins to extend the features of the BIRT framework. The source code for these examples is available for download.The topics discussed includeInstalling and deploying BIRTDeploying a BIRT report to an application serverUnderstanding BIRT architectureScripting in a BIRT report designIntegrating BIRT functionality into applicationsWorking with the BIRT extension frameworkThis second edition, revised and expanded, adds the following new contentUpdated architectural diagramsExpanded scripting examplesTag library descriptionsIn-depth description of BIRT Web ViewerConfiguring BIRT to use a JNDI connectionXML report rendering plug-in exampleFragment plug-in localization exampleOpen Data Access (ODA) plug-in example implementing the new Data Tools Platform (DTP) design and run-time wizards

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Muss man für den kommenden Film "Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw" alle anderen "Fast and Furious"-Teile gesehen haben?

    Nein, es ist nicht zwingend erforderlich, alle vorherigen "Fast and Furious"-Filme gesehen zu haben, um "Hobbs and Shaw" zu verstehen. Der Film konzentriert sich auf die Charaktere Hobbs und Shaw und erzählt eine eigenständige Geschichte. Es kann jedoch hilfreich sein, die Hintergrundgeschichte der Charaktere aus den vorherigen Filmen zu kennen, um ihre Beziehungen und Motivationen besser zu verstehen.

  • Sam and Cat Schauspieler

    Dan SchneiderAriana GrandeCameron OcasioMaree CheathamMehr Ergebnisse

  • Wie geht Pen and Paper?

    Pen and Paper ist ein Rollenspiel, bei dem die Spieler in die Rolle von fiktiven Charakteren schlüpfen und gemeinsam Abenteuer erleben. Dabei wird die Handlung meist vom Spielleiter geleitet, der die Welt und die NPCs (Non-Player Characters) erschafft. Die Spieler interagieren miteinander und mit der Spielwelt, indem sie Entscheidungen treffen und Würfelwürfe machen, um den Ausgang von Aktionen zu bestimmen. Pen and Paper lebt von der Kreativität der Spieler und der gemeinsamen Erzählung, die durch Regeln und Würfelsysteme gelenkt wird. Es ist eine unterhaltsame und soziale Art des Spielens, die viel Spaß machen kann, wenn man sich auf die Fantasiewelt einlässt. Hast du schon einmal Pen and Paper gespielt?

  • Wie funktioniert Work and Travel?

    Work and Travel ist ein Programm, das es jungen Menschen ermöglicht, während eines Auslandsaufenthalts zu reisen und zu arbeiten. Teilnehmer können in verschiedenen Ländern Jobs in den Bereichen Tourismus, Gastronomie, Landwirtschaft oder anderen Branchen finden. Das Geld, das sie verdienen, kann für Reisen und den Lebensunterhalt verwendet werden. Das Programm bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, eine neue Kultur kennenzulernen und gleichzeitig praktische Arbeitserfahrung zu sammeln.

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